Therapy for Real Life Podcast

Self-Care That Goes Everywhere

Therapy for Real Life's mission is

to break beyond the traditional therapy hour 

to offer research-backed self-care strategies for everyday life.

Anna Lindberg Cedar, MPA, LCSW launched the Therapy for Real Life podcast after hearing time and again:


"I wish I could replay what you just said..."


Folks often want to share what they are learning with a loved one, let self-care concepts sink in with another listen, or hear words of encouragement when the going gets tough. 


The Therapy for Real Life podcast is designed for anyone to use (in or out of the therapy process) because self-care happens in a moment.  Listen in as Anna describes practical research-backed therapy strategies adapted for everyday use


This is not therapy.

This is Real Life.

Read Episode Overviews and

Listen in...

Reality Acceptance and

Radical Willingness

In life we have two choices when it comes to overcoming struggle: 1) We can try to change the way things are... or... 2) We can try to accept what is beyond our control. This episode focuses on the latter by looking at practical tools for building acceptance and skills to experience reality as it is. Anna reviews the research when it come to acceptance-based coping with stressful events. Get comfortable so that you can take a break from your day and practice brief exercises in mindful acceptance right along with Anna. Acceptance does not mean that you approve, or would do things the same way, but it may help you get to a place of dealing with reality as it is. 


Special Guest: Lori Gottlieb

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

New York Times bestselling author Lori Gottlieb joins the Therapy For Real Life podcast to demystify the therapy process with host Anna Lindberg Cedar MPA LCSW. Anna talks with Lori about her latest book — Maybe You Should Talk to Someone — and the stories we tell in therapy. Lori’s book follows the ins and outs of four individuals in therapy, as well the tumultuous break-up that sends Lori to therapy herself. Anna and Lori discuss the role of shame, secrets, and privacy in and out of session, and what happens when the therapist takes their turn on the therapy couch. 


Burnout Prevention Checklist

Do you ever feel so burnt out from work and other stresses that you start to feel fatigued, exhausted, and mentally overloaded? Listen in as burnout prevention therapist Anna Lindberg Cedar MPA LCSW explains the basics of self-care at work with this checklist of 7 research-backed coping skills. Take mini-breaks during this episode to practice some dedicated self-care right now. Learn how to ground your attention during stress to focus on what matters most.


What is Mindfulness?

Have you heard of mindfulness before, but aren’t actually sure what it means? Listen in as psychotherapist and burnout prevention specialist Anna Lindberg Cedar MPA LCSW explains some of the central principles of mindfulness. Get cozy before you tune in so that you can fully enjoy the mindful practice in this episode, including a body scan meditation.

Relationship Superpowers:


Anna shares the first in her series of Relationship Superpowers (drawn from Dialectical Behavior Therapy). Learn how to use mindfulness self-care skills to improve communication and understanding in your relationships. Listen in to other episodes in the podcast, such as “What is Mindfulness?” and “Self-Care in Relationships” to complement this episode. 

How To Ask For What You Want

Anna reviews therapy research showing that communication strategies can improve emotional wellness and coping. Learn practical communication strategies drawn and adapted from Marsha Linehan's DBT assertive communication skills. It turns out that strong relationships are an essential ingredient for balanced emotional health. Tune in to learn how communication skills can help you improve your self-care routine. 

Mood Hacks: 

Opposite Action

Listen in as your host goes on a field trip to a local mental health startup. Anna gives a mini lecture on research-backed self-care skills for hacking your mood. You'll hear her talk with local therapists about Dialectical Behavior Therapy’s demonstrated effectiveness in mood regulation. Practice DBT’s mood hacking tip Opposite Action for yourself as you tune in. 

Self-Care in Relationships

Reflect on your own relationship boundaries and priorities as Anna describes relationship self-care skills. This episode is one in a series of self-care skills drawn from Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Learn about the three types of relationship priorities that individuals must balance in setting healthy limits with loved ones, colleagues, and anyone else in your life. 

Mood Hacks:

The 4 Solution Analysis

Guess What... There Are Only Four Solutions to Any Problem (according to Dialectical Behavior Therapy). Learn about four options you have when it comes to facing any problem, stress, or decision in your life. Pick a problem that you're facing now and think about what solution might be called for to improve your self-care. Go ahead, try it.

What is Burnout?

Listen to the very first content from the Therapy for Real Life podcast. The audio was a little rough in the beginning, but the message is worth hearing. Learn how burnout, anxiety, and depression interact with stress. Think about a plan for managing stress in your own life. 

What are Emotions?

Emotions serve a very important survival mechanism. Learn about three of the main functions of emotions according to Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Boost awareness of your own emotional patterns and learn practical ways to respond to emotions in a healthy way.

What is Wise Mind?

Do you ever feel stuck and unsure what to do? Mindfulness skills from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy might help you find clarity in a moment of confusion. This episode includes practical mindfulness strategies to boost your self-care routine. Listen in as Anna invites you to try the research-backed DBT mindfulness skill - “Wise Mind” - for yourself. 

About the Podcast Host

Anna Lindberg Cedar, MPA, LCSW

Anna Lindberg Cedar, MPA, LCSW is a Bay Area psychotherapist who specializes in burnout prevention among changesmakers.  Many of Anna’s burnout prevention strategies are drawn from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) — a counseling style that combines Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other change-based skills with mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies to help you lead a more balanced life. Anna received her Master of Science in Social Work and Master of Public Administration from Columbia University, where she completed multiple fellowships in evidence-based therapy best practices.


Anna launched the Therapy for Real Life podcast to make research-backed therapy concepts accessible to individuals working to improve their self-care outside of the therapy process. Sharing burnout prevention self-care strategies with leaders across sectors is one of the greatest sources of burnout prevention in Anna's personal self-care routine. 


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© Copyright 2017 - 2024 Therapy For Real Life Anna Lindberg Cedar, MPA, LCSW #64284 (CA) LICSW #29511 (MN) - All rights reserved; Therapy for Real Life | Call 9-1-1 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you are in crisis: 1-800-273-8255 . Therapy For Real Life's burnout prevention counseling and couples therapy services are available via telehealth throughout California and Minnesota. Video counseling options are available to residents throughout California and Minnesota where Therapy For Real Life's Founder is licensed. Therapy For Real Life Workplace Workshops ( ) are available everywhere.